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Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe

Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe

Regular price £289.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £289.00 GBP
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The new Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe is an exact reproduction of the iconic 1970’s Maestro Echoplex® EP-3 – the only difference is there is no tape!

The Belle Epoch Deluxe honors the EP-3 lineage by accurately reproducing the original EP-3 specifications part for part – the only things missing are the record and playback heads – with a 24-bit high-fidelity digital delay line taking the place of the tape cartridge. Exact circuitry reproduction of the 22v power rail (running off a standard 9vDC power supply) helps to achieve that expansive plugged-into-the-wall sound. The JFET preamp (later EP-3 spec), mixer stage, and high gain silicon transistor-based record and playback amplifiers and feedback loop lends to the big, warm feel expected from these legendary musical devices.


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